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Shubhangi Prasad

Fight against COVID-19 hunger crisis in Lockdown

As India gets ready to fight Covid-19 from entering the 3rd stage, the government is faced with an additional crisis of providing food and shelter for the underprivileged daily wage earners. Millions of migrant workers earn their livelihood as construction workers and labourers in the city, living far from their villages and surviving on their day-to-day incomes. The lockdown to curb the spread of the virus has posed an additional challenge for the government to provide for the urban poor. With the help of Delhi police helpline 23469526 (which is set up 24x7), we identified Prem Nagar area in west Delhi as an area needing help. Our president, Mrs. Pratima Shrivastava cooked 250 packets of homemade fresh & nutritious food consisting of poori, sabzi & halwa, and these were neatly packed and sealed in hygienic containers. Our diligent and exuberant volunteers Mr. Devendra, Mr. Akash and Mr. Diwan Singh, protected by wearing masks & gloves, set up a station in Prem Nagar to distribute these food packets along with masks and sanitizers.

The promise of fresh, wholesome food drew a large crowd to queue up at the station. Care was taken that the people maintained appropriate social distance, while waiting to receive food packets.

The police present at Prem Nagar helped in our cause while emphasizing the importance of maintaining social distance and taking additional precautions to keep everyone safe.

We hope that the steps taken by citizens all over the country help clear the dark clouds of this pandemic soon, allowing people to return to the normalcy of everyday life.

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